Tuesday, 19 February 2008

Eating Poo

Potty training is going well with Lily mostly doing wees and poos on the potty. Which is nice for us. We've got to be careful though. Today we left Lily to it in the sitting room. When we went back into the (smelly) room there was nothing in the potty. "Lily did poo in potty. Molly ate it!" was the explaination. Molly was licking her lips happily. How lovely.

Saturday, 16 February 2008

Sheep Numbers Decline

Sheep numbers declined in 2007 to 38 million. That's down from over 70 million in 1980. It's still nine sheep for every person though.

Monday, 11 February 2008

Cheese Latest

Anchor Edam is now just $7.99 a kilogram in Woolworths in Paraparaumu. It's a bargain.

Sunday, 10 February 2008

Heat Rage

It is said that the brighter the day, when views of Mount Taranaki are clearer, the happier the people of New Plymouth are. When the cloud closes in, the gloom spreads through the town.

That wasn't my experience. Yesterday, when it was perfect sunshine and so hot you could fry eggs on the pavement, the people in Pak N Save were distinctly tetchy. Cross words were being exchanged at the check out and there were mothers strangling their children in the dry goods aisle. Today, there's a chill in the air and people seem much calmer. So much for what people say.

Cheese Prices Ease in February

The price of cheese seems to have eased a little and a kilo of "mild" was just $8.96 at Pak N Save in New Plymouth. I bought 4. Maybe its seasonal.

New Plymouth

We have just come back from a few days in New Plymouth. Here's what happened:

We went for a walk to town with the dogs. Molly is so unfit she had to be carried home.

The man in the site next to us was sleeping in a Honda Civic. In the morning, he rolled straight into the driving seat and drove off without opening the door.

Lily dropped her smarty in the potty after doing a wee. Then she grabbed it and said happily: "Lily's got it. Yum tastes nice!".